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PostWysłany: Pią 11:44, 11 Lut 2011    Temat postu: Towards Single-component Molecular Conductor [Ni (

Towards Single-component Molecular Conductor [Ni (dmit) 2] by Charge Disproportionation: 2 [Ni (dmit) 2] ^ 0.5 → [Ni (dmit) 2] + [Ni (dmit) 2] ^ -

endenceofconductivityof [Ni (dmit) 2】, bResultandDiscussion (1 / T) (Kq) Figure2showstheinfraredspectraof (MeaN) [Ni (dmit) 2】 (up), (MeaN) [Ni (dmit) 2] 2 (middle), and [ ,],[Withtheelectricalchargegraduallybeingremoved, thev (C = C) aregraduallyred-shifted. ItisalsoworthtonotethattheV (C = C) of (Mean) [Ni (dmit) 212consistsoftwopeaks, 1324.4cm ~ and1259.9cm ~, implyingthat [Ni (dmit) 2] canberegardedtoconsistoftworesonancestructuresof [Ni (dmit) 2】 and [Ni (dmit) 2] . Thismaybetheintrinsicreasonwhytheself-charge-transferreaction2 [-Ni (dmi02] [Ni (dmit) 2】 + 【Ni (dmit) 2]. Canbesuccessfullycarriedout.OurfurtherexperimentshaverevealedthatthiskindofchargedisproportionationCanbedevelopedtosynthesizeother [M (dmit) 2】 single-componentmolecularconductorssuchas [Pd (dmit) 2]. Figure2IRspectraof ( MeaN) [Ni (dmit) 2】 (up), (MeaN) [Ni (dmit) 2] 2 (middle),moncler paris, andINi (dmi02] (bottom) Wavenumber / cm ● 00lll2AcknowledgmentsQiFANGetalThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (No.20172034), FoundationforUnivemityKeyTeacherbyMinistryofEducation, andthegrantfortheStateKeyProgramofChina. Reference $ 1.H.Tanaka, YOkano,uggs bestellen, H. Kobayashi, eta1., Science, 2001,291,285.2. A.Kobayashi.H.Tanaka, M. Kumasaki, etaL, Am.Chem.Soc., 1999,121 , 10763.3.N.L | Narvor,GHD glätteisen Deutschland, N.Robertson.T.Weyland, eta1., em.Commun., 1996,1363.4. L. Valade, J.-PLegros, M. Bousseau, RCassoux, Chem. Soc.DaltonTrans, 1985,7835. O. Fang, X. Z. You, ActaChimicaSinica,ghd outlet, 1992,50,365.6. O. Fang, T.C.w.Mak, Z. YZhou, eta1., Chem.Soc . DaltonTrans., 1992,1377.7. H.Kim.A.Kobayashi, YSasaki, R. Kato, H. Kobayashi, Chem.Lett.,ugg boots sale, 1987,1799. Received28October, 2002

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