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PostWysłany: Pon 13:03, 07 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Tory Burch outlet Methods of pediatric burn hot co

Pediatric burn hot Observation of cooling methods

Development of persistent infection. But the temperature is too high, and with the livestock editor of Pharmacology 3 Zhang 2, Beijing: People Health Press, a steroid cool, fight the bad bacteria endotoxin response. Bath rub down, 1988.241. Temperature and short range of small, more for pride recovery period. Temporarily alleviate the heat cited 【Received Date :1998 -03-31). '), A, a 7-aldosterone system sober changes in traumatic brain injury and nursing / J210006 Nanjing First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University glycosides Liugui Kui Xu Jianwen Yang Wenxia to keep away') / Abstract Objective: To explore the conscious brain injured patients Clinical aldosterone system, changes in a timely manner Nursing guide. Methods: radioimmunoassay 3O cases clearly outside the pain of injured brain within 24h of renal blood scribe, angiotensin Zhong, aldehydes and ketones Zou system (Rj. Results: The kidney fat index wizard 【Ret6n), angiotensin find I'A1I) vascular tension drug Ⅱ (Ⅱ), aldosterone (A Ⅱ 1) curse general decline in pregnancy, psychological care by sub-satin adjuvant therapy. In the first 7 days and then pull the detection, while also significantly decreased. However,Tory Burch outlet, compared with the first day. Outside the barrier Alr_ Ⅱ. The mining have risen, tend to physiological balance. Conclusion: RAAS in awake patients with traumatic brain injury results in the buildings removed. Divided into three levels of care as a sub-delay parameters, clinical application. Physiological and psychological rehabilitation of positive significance. Key words brain trauma system care sl minced meat spit testosterone f-Pa m ∞ 0fNu coffee Vattttfl ~. fAl quiet sampan ~ s. tnnsBl shirt h coconut 21 ~ 006Afl ~ a] Jated feeding HospitalofN Yang JI ~ ~ diealUnivemi ~ Y scorpionfish gWem6aYushoa ~ iatagLiug ~ iri,, gXiu】 mAkstt'act: EninjuriesofaldostenmesystemVariationandslgnificane ~ toClinicran ~ ing. Mellmds: 30B retort ridicule perbl (~ lin24h Yao mouth mele. ~ RhminJajuri ~ casesweredet ~ ~ ed God swollen mm plus points Ifldh Association ten roar shovel Te, unloading head cries sarIdd0m jack IleRe bare: Ren. And rLm coffee l, Ⅱ anddr plus ev ~ lue busy TrIILk times eRenin.angJotensdnI,tory burch sale, andaldostemneirrzreaseat7thday9exemptangiotensJn Ⅱ ~ fterpsychdealnorslng Ⅵ di: ff ~ ntthesiS'andalmosttonnormalphysid ~ iealequilibriumo suck d ∞: lIIgbyd ~ fferentlevds0fP ~ etertoclinicand ~ coveredofphdo ~ ina1.pck babble wveryl called fL handsome trecI ~ gnifieanee.hwordsBraininjt ~ esAldo ~ temnesy- ~ tem sun ddifferentc] a ~ f1nursing clear traumatic brain injury is common, for these patients with different degrees of psychological care, lack of participation so far deposited in clinical research. We used radioimmunoassay in recent years, traumatic brain injury patients with renal clear screen (Re blood),nike shoes sale, vascular tension curtain I (AT-I), vascular tension curtain Ⅱ (AT.1I), aldosterone (AiD) monitoring research, clinical care well for the good results achieved saddle, are as follows. 1 review 1.1 The object detection method shaved control group, our health adult add patients, 7 males and 13 females, aged 17 years, mean 22.45 years old. trauma group, 30 down, 27 males and 3 females, age 17-72 years, mean 38 years. (Ship score 6-15 points, an average of I4 points. the highest systolic blood pressure 20kPa. Minimum 12kPa, the average l5.9kPa. diastolic blood pressure the highest 12kPa, the lowest gkPa,ray ban occhiali, an average of 9.9kPa. 1.2 Methods All patients were in the fasting supine state, respectively, the first day and seventh day after injury Farah measured by RIA Reran.AT-I, A/IAL1), AID Institute immunoassay kit supplied from the north, Renin, AT-I, AT-I / kit supplied by the China Institute of Atomic Energy. Statistical analysis: Data was the worst between the groups tested with l (Table l, 2)
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