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Wysłany: Sob 12:05, 19 Mar 2011 Temat postu: Deep Ⅲ MEBO burn cultivation efficacy of skin gra |
Deep Ⅲ MEBO burn cultivation efficacy of skin grafting after granulation
BO group (control group) was significantly shorter course of treatment, patients with pain, healing scar less. Conclusion: MEBT / MEBO provided for the growth of epithelial physiological environment, to cultivate stem cells in situ, and changes the conditions necessary for growth and reproduction of bacteria and the environment, prevent infection and speed up the residual wound healing, reduce post-scar. Key words extensive deep burns; residual planing surface; MEBT / MEBO 【Key Words】 R644 Document code】 【B】 【Article ID 1001-0726 (2006) 01-0043-03ExperiencetllMEBT/MEBOIntreatingresidualwoundsofextensivedeepburnMENGJin-song. 1-1Chang-ming, WANG anal n. eta1. , HospitalforBurns, ZhoukouCity,asics australia, ttenanProvince466000, China 【Abstract】 Objectlve: ToexploretheefficacyofMEBT / MEBOintreatingresidualwoundsofextensivedeepburnMethod: DuringtheperiodfromJan2003toJan2005.40patientswithresidualwoundsatthelaterstageofextensivedeepbumweretransfo ~ edt0ourhospi-ta1. Theyhadpreviouslybeentreatedinotherhospitalswithdryorwetdressingtherapyorsubjectedtooperation, buttheresultswereunsatis-factory. AfterenteringOilyhospital, 80mepatientsweretreatedwithMEBT/MEBOandsometreatedwithothermethodResult: ThosetreatedwithMEBT / MEBOcuredquickly. ThetreatingCOUleewassignificantlyshorterthanthosetreatedwithothermethod. Thepatientshadlesspainandthewoundshealedwithfewer8car8. Conclusion: MEBT / MEBOprovidesaphysiologicalenvironmentforepithelialcellgrowthandinwhichstemcellsCanbecultivatedinsitu. Theenvironmentisnolongerfavorabletobacterialgrowth, SOwoundinfectioncanbeprevented. Asaresult,p90x workout schedule, MEBT / MEBOfacilitatesthehealingofresidualwoundsandlessensscarformation. 【Keywords】 Extensivedeepburn; residualwound; MEBT / MEBO a clinical material of our hospital in January 2003 to January 2005 for two years, transferred to our hospital from the outside hospital, 40 cases of large area deep burn residual wounds as the research object, are 2 more than 2 months after skin grafting 11 【Author】 Zhoukou City Burns Hospital,tory burch shoes, Henan Zhoukou 466000 residual wound, divided into treatment group and control group. 21 patients were randomly selected for the treatment group,ghd piastre, aged 5 to 56 years, burn area 55-99%, of which 65% 30% m degrees,timberland shoes, immediately after the formation of residual wound into our hospital MEBT / MEBO, the group of patients completely healed minimum 7 days, the longest 22 days; control group l9, age 3 |